Best ftp client for mac os
Best ftp client for mac os

best ftp client for mac os
  1. #Best ftp client for mac os for mac os#
  2. #Best ftp client for mac os mac os#
  3. #Best ftp client for mac os code#
  4. #Best ftp client for mac os windows#

For example, if you’re searching for a particular HTML file, you can scan through several files, viewing the code in the preview pane, to find the one you’re looking for - without having to download and open each one independently. You still have to temporarily download the file (which starts automatically when you click on it), but seeing the content before committing to downloading files is nice. Transmit can show you the content of any file. The droplet automatically runs FTP Client, logs on, and uploads the file. Whenever you need to upload a file to that folder, drop it on the droplet icon. Select a folder on the FTP server, choose Bookmark: Save As Droplet (1-D), give the droplet a name, and then save it somewhere handy. Only FTP Client has the ability to create FTP droplets, which let you use drag and drop to quickly perform an action. Most let you do this in just a few clicks.įile synchronization is FTP Client’s strong point. Although CaptainFTP has a similar feature, Transmit puts it up front.Īll of the clients except SimpleFTP let you make the contents of your local and remote directories match. This lets you easily connect to any Mac on your local network for quick file transfers. Transmit outshone the other applications, with its integrated and understandable login dialog box, which included both a drop-down menu for bookmarks and a drop-down menu for accessing other computers on the network via Rendezvous.

best ftp client for mac os

Their drop-down navigation for moving up a directory structure is cumbersome, especially since moving down a directory structure requires clicking on folder icons instead. But while Fetch and SimpleFTP have clean interfaces, they lack other file-management features such as the ability to intuitively move files between different directories (folders) on the FTP server. SimpleFTP’s interface is similar to Fetch’s - it has a browser area for getting around on the server and two buttons for uploading and downloading files. Interarchy shares a lot of interface conventions with Web browsers, including an editable location field, which displays the current file path at the top of each window. Like FTP Client, Interarchy lets you view files in list and column views. Interarchy has been around almost as long as Fetch, but it has embraced OS X’s navigation style. However, many people may find this language confusing (“put” what where?). Fetch’s interface is easy enough to use: clicking on the Get button in the browser window downloads the selected files, and clicking on the Put Files button uploads files to the current directory. Although Fetch was once the standard FTP program for the classic Mac OS, its inter-face has barely improved since its conversion to OS X.

#Best ftp client for mac os mac os#

We looked for programs that closely integrated themselves into Mac OS - that mimicked the Finder, supported long file names, and allowed drag-and-drop file transfers. All the clients we evaluated included these basics, but some outperformed others. In addition, an FTP client should let you set permissions for each file, so you can determine who can view it (read), make changes to it (write), run it (if it’s a program), or search it (if it’s a text file). All the FTP programs we reviewed can upload and download files from these FTP server types, in standard FTP mode and Secure FTP (SFTP) mode.īeyond that, even a rudimentary FTP client should have some file-management capabilities, be able to move and delete files from the server, and keep a list of bookmarks for quick access to different servers.

#Best ftp client for mac os windows#

The BasicsįTP clients should be able to connect to common FTP server types, such as AppleShare IP, Data General, Quantel Hal, Serv-U, Windows 2000, and WU-FTPD. All seven programs performed solidly, but two programs with advanced features and intuitive use came out on top: Transmit and FTP Client. If you want to download files from an OS X–based server, the Finder may be all you need, but it won’t let you upload files. We also considered how these programs stack up against OS X’s Finder, which you can also use to connect to FTP servers. We evaluated seven FTP clients available for OS X: Fetch Softworks’ Fetch 4.0.3, On-Core’s SimpleFTP 2.01, Panic’s Transmit 2.5, RBrowser’s self-titled RBrowser 3.1.2, Stairways Software’s Interarchy 6.2, Vicomsoft’s FTP Client 4.0.1, and Xnet Communications’ CaptainFTP 2.6.

#Best ftp client for mac os for mac os#

And there are now several excellent FTP clients for Mac OS X. And if you’ve ever e-mailed a crucial file that never arrived at its destination, you’ll want a way to transfer files and make sure your recipient received them.įile Transfer Protocol (FTP) is tailor-made for quickly moving large digital files between a remote computer acting as an FTP server and an FTP client that lets you access and upload those files. If you’ve ever watched an e-mail application choke on a 4MB attachment, you know that sometimes you need an alternative to directly sending or receiving files.

Best ftp client for mac os